Uncle Steve's Mega Maiden Zone

Iron Maiden... Piece of Mind

Uncle Steve Episode 191

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On episode 191, we discuss the Iron Maiden album, Piece of Mind, which is celebrating it's 40th Birthday/Anniversary on the day this episode comes out! 
See! If you do something long enough, eventually you will get one right! 

On this episode we all share fond memories of this album and discuss it in all of it's glory, and well, it's pitfalls as well. 

Have a stiff drink ready as this album while having some immensely incredible songs, also has a few that aren't up to the greatness of the prior mentioned incredible ones. For some, this may be tough to swallow... Go ahead, take those meds, maybe even with those stiff drinks... Be near a toilet, have a vomit bag and a good comfy seat because baby we are going to hit it all!

And if you don't like it, well BABY THAT'S TOUGH!

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